What is Jira backlog grooming?

What is Jira backlog grooming? It’s the process of adding important context and estimates to backlog items as well as prioritizing them. First mentioned by Mike Cohn in 2005 and later polished by Kane Mar in 2008, backlog grooming was finally added as an official scrum element in 2011.

Grooming is an open discussion between the development team and product owner. The user stories are discussed to help the team gain a better understanding of the functionality that is needed to fulfill a story. This includes design considerations, integrations, and expected user interactions.

How do you groom a story?

1.Groom the stories

  1. Remove the stories from the backlog that are no longer needed.
  2. Clarify the stories by elaboration the conditions of satisfaction as required.
  3. Estimate the stories with the best known facts at that time.
  4. Adjust the priority of the story with the permission of the Product Owner.

What is the difference between grooming and refinement?

Grooming or refinement? Meeting or not? The term grooming has been discouraged since the word has bad connotations, but it is still widely used. Backlog refinement stands for the same thing, which is, keeping the backlog up to date and getting backlog items ready for upcoming sprints.

What is the difference between sprint planning and grooming?

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While the sprint planning meeting is an official scrum meeting, there is no compulsion to have a separate meeting to groom the backlog. … In this type of grooming session, the product owner acts as a facilitator of the grooming meeting.

Backlog grooming is the process of refining outstanding user stories or backlog items, breaking big items into smaller tasks and prioritizing those which need to be tackled first. Together, this helps shape the next sprint session’s objectives.